EXPLOTACIONES HERMANOS DELGADO S.L. (onwards EHD, owner of the website) CIF: B13233192 is the owner of the domain It has its domicile at C / Crta. Villarrobledo, 37. Postal code 13630 from the town of Socuéllamos. Telephone: 926 699 107
These are the general and, where appropriate, particular conditions that regulate access and use of the website. This website is designed to publicize and make available to the public (hereinafter the user) accessing the domain www.bodegaehd. com (onwards website) information, data, products and services (onwards content).
The person who accesses this website acquires the status of User. This implies knowledge and acceptance of the general conditions and, where appropriate, particular conditions that regulate their access and use. We recommend periodic access to the conditions of use to know the changes, modifications and updates that may occur.
The website includes texts, graphics, images, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs and software included in it, whether or not they are subject to intellectual property.
Access to the website is free, without prior authorization, subscription or registration, except for the specific contents and services in which the subscription or registration of the User is necessary and as determined in the general or particular conditions. The service provided is indefinitely. The website agrees to maintain the quality and accuracy of the content and use to the best of its ability. However this does not imply any obligation on the quality, accuracy of the contents and speed of access by the owner of the website. The owner reserves the right to modify or update the access conditions or suspend access to the website, or part of the website without prior notice. Users who access agree at all times not to access the website and the contents of contrary to the established and / or for illegal purposes, harmful to the rights and freedoms of third parties, or that may damage, deteriorate, saturate or slow down the website, to the detriment of the owner of the website or third-party users.
Intellectual property
The owner of the website is the owner of the industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as the content it houses. By way of illustration only, information, messages, graphics, sound and image files, photographs, recordings, computer programs, databases, technology know-how, trademarks, distinctive signs, logos and in general any kind of creation or accessible material that is your property, as well as the website itself.
Contents, services and information, owned by third parties, whose rights are also protected by current legislation on industrial and intellectual property, may also be accessible on the website.
The access to the contents by the User will be under his total responsibility and he will not be able to pass on to the owner any negative consequence derived directly or indirectly from the access, whether they are physical, logical, moral or personal, the contents are intended to inform and give know the activities, products and services provided and are of an orientative nature.
The owner of the website may modify the contents, as well as delete and change them within the website, such as the way it is accessed, in order to improve their quality or correct errors and trying at all times to minimize the consequences negative that these changes may cause Users.
Any use of the website or its contents must be exclusively private. Any other use that involves the copying, reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication or any other similar action of all or part of the contents of the website, as well as the same, is reserved to the owner of the website, so that no User may carry out these actions for other purposes without the prior written authorization of the owner of the website.
The use of the contents to promote, contract or disseminate advertising or information of its own or of third parties is not allowed without the authorization of the owner of the website or to send advertising or information using the services or information made available to them. Users, regardless of whether the use is free or not.
The links or hyperlinks that incorporate third parties in their Web pages, directed to this website, will be for the opening of the complete website and from the home page, and may not manifest, directly or indirectly, false, inaccurate indications or confusing, or incur unfair or unlawful actions against the owner of the website.
The owner of the website exercises control mechanisms on the quality of the links that are incorporated into the website, however, he cannot be responsible for the reliability and speed of them, does not guarantee the usefulness of these links, or the contents or services that the User can access through these links, or the proper functioning of third-party websites.
The personal data that you entrust to us is very important to us, for this reason we want to inform you about how this company treats your personal data.
The personal data that you provide us of which you are the owner, authorized person or legal representative are incorporated into our computerized management database or paper file, legalized and registered with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection. At the time of registering these data, this company is responsible for them and consequently we apply all the means at our disposal to treat them with the utmost confidentiality, avoid their loss, misuse, alteration or unauthorized access.
Purpose of data collection
The purposes for which we assign your data, apart from the legal regulations that affect our activity, are administrative, accounting, tax and commercial management tasks, among others, for the effective fulfillment and provision of the products and services requested. We also carry out quality controls on them in order to offer them the best professional treatment at all times. Also to send them information about products and services that this company can offer and are of interest to them.
In the case of resumes received, report that the treatment of the same is intended to proceed to the selection of candidates to fill jobs in this company. The consequence of obtaining the personal data communicated will be participation in the selection processes that it carries out to fill the company’s own jobs or in future job selection processes that fit the candidate’s professional profile, except that Your wish is expressed that your data is not kept for the latter purpose, in which case the company will proceed to cancel it according to your request.
The client / user authorizes the processing of their personal data exclusively for the purposes set out above.
Transfer of data
This company does not sell, transfer or transmit in any way information or personal data of its customers to third parties, except for the communications provided by law for the provision of the requested services.
Accuracy and veracity of the data
In order to be able to offer the best service, this company needs the data provided to be in line with reality, up-to-date and if specified as essential (for example, by using an asterisk in the registration, customer, contact or request forms). subscription to newsletters), are completed. Otherwise, this company will not be able to provide the requested service or information. In the case of minors, the prior authorization of the parents or legal representatives will be necessary in order to process the personal data provided.